Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chrissa Stands Strong

I rented this movie for Brookly today. She has been really wanting to see this. She got Chrissa for her birthday. We went to the American Girl Store in Dallas.

Well, she quickly ran upstairs and put the DVD in and watched it while I was cooking dinner. Then, about 45 minutes later... I was calling the kids to come eat. Brookly comes down a blubbering mess ~tears and all. I grabbed her and hugged her real tight and asked what was wrong?? She was so upset that the "queen bees" (bullies) taunted a little boy in the movie and he ended up hurting himself really bad. She said "They are just SO MEAN, MOM!" By this time... I am trying to hold back my tears, but we cried together. It was the perfect time to talk about "the way the kids must have felt" that were being bullied. About STANDING STRONG for what you believe in and not letting anyone tell you what to do or what to think. To Be courageous. Be a friend. Be yourself. Oh, these most perfect teachable moments... I love being a mom!

1 comment:

Robin Beck said...

Super cute blog Haley Five!!!!

Have a great week,
