Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Will {hearts} Sharpies.... Me? Not so much.

Oh, my sweet 4 year old.... I put him in bed and went downstairs to watch a bit of television with Craig. About 45 minutes later, Bella comes downstairs and says, "Mom, Will did something really bad.." Upstairs I go - and this is what I see:

Thank God for hairspray! (Just spray it on and the ink wipes away!) It did soak in the countertop a bit, but I will scrub a bit harder in the morning!!) When I asked him what in the WORLD he was doing...?? Practicing his name... Making a rocket... Drawing planets... He is such a goose. Curious. Wanting to see how everything works. I love him!

1 comment:

The Gumpls said...

OMG!!!! I feel your frustation!!!! David did that when he was Will's age too!!!!! Curious little boys!!!! I had a fit!! And he had to help me re-paint the doors!!! You have a more gracious heart than me!!!!!!